Deep Cliffs Weekender 2018 Lee "Buey" Buers

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Buey ( London, U.K)

As a young mini-mod I started going to Soul/Scooters nights in Bucks and London in about 1983 graduating to nighters about a year later, like many kids in the 80's I was really influenced by the sixties mafia of Keb & Guy but also Adam, Ady, Ian Clarke, Soul Sam and of course Butch. Great venues, nighters most weekends and a mate with a VW Scirocco made for happy days.
My collecting started seriously in 1986 I bought: The commands - Hey It's love and then as a new release: James Cobin & the prime cut. Then House, Acid Jazz and so on took over for a bit... Loved getting back into Northern in the late 90's did a bit of guest DJ-ing, broke things like Lil Mary Staten (on GME) at the 100 club, ran a small night called ARSE > A Rare Soul Evening < in London and generally made a fool of myself at Cleethorpes including a memaorable journey with Al Wilson singing the Snake to me in the 1st class carriage of our train.
Had a few breaks from the scene (kids)(prison) nowadays I collect across the board
Loving the European scene and look back fondly at a blessed life of great moments, great friends and great music - we've had a great crack of the whip and I for one never thought I'd be dancing to the Springers "Nothing's too good for my baby" in a ballroom in Germany when I first heard it in 1984."


My all time top ten...

Melba Moore - Magic touch
Fabulous Impacts - Baby baby I want you
San Francisco GTOs - make up your mind
Mello Souls - We can make it
Jodesha - Star ride
Springers - Nothing's too good for my baby
Magnetics - Lady in green
Florence Trapp - Love came into my life
Buddy Smith - When you Lose the one you love
Go on and laugh - Just bros (sharpees)
Love Warmth & Affection - Talking bout love

Current playbox top ten

China Burton - You don't care
Pages - Heartaches and pain
Melvin Moore - All of a sudden
Theron & Darryl - I was made to love you
Reggie Soul - My world of ecstasy
Skullsnaps - All of a sudden
Pam Bowie - He's all I need to get by
Bonivilles - I'll be right there
Barbara Lynn - Movin on a groove
Marvin Gaye - It's a desperate situation

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with legend Steve Brad Bradley

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