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Deep Cliffs Weekender 2017 Luigi Slim Fiore

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Music Lover,Dj, Collector, Hungry for Records, Soul Food, Travellin ,People, Fine Wine, Traditional Food, Rare Obscure & Underrated 45's. Good Time...That's it! I'm an Italian based in London, i started long time ago, and during the last decade i was lucky enough to share the decks all over Europe and Usa with the best Dj's and Collectors out there. From the 20's up to the 70's ,it's All you can Eat! My love is for the Golden Age of Afroamerican Music especially from the 50's and the 60's, R&B, Soul, Mod Jazz, Jump Blues, Boogaloo and so on. Let's the Groove Move You!



Traci - Little Evil- Instant

Los Sonidos De F.M. - Tema de Los Adolescents- RCA

Perry & the Harmonics- Do the Monkey with James- Mercury

Leo Soto - Caballo Psicodelico- Falcon-

The Latins- Habibi Twist - RCA

Eddie Jefferson- Psychedelic Sally- Prestige

Otis Lee- Hard Row to Roe- Quaint

Pamoja - Oooh, Baby- Keiper

TNT Band- Musica del Alma- Cotique

Bobby Valentin- Use It before You Loose It - Fania




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